Saturday, August 21, 2010

This looks like $#!T, let's post it!

Clearly I'm too lazy to keep up with my "one art a day" plan.  I have trouble flossing on a regular basis too.  I managed to photoshop something today. The drawing was bad to start with and the textures I picked aren't much better, but it's a post.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

OMG! it's a slightly different color now II

No energy for new art tonight but i did fiddle with the shopped dad thing.  So here's that...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Drunk cat

Way better this way.

Cheap modern art

I found some pictures of a drunken evening on my wife's camera.  A couple of filters later this happened...

eh, sorry dad. You're on the internet now.
I also shopped this photo of my cat holding a beer.

That's one mean looking drunk cat.

Well I'm holding the beer actually, but my cat doesn't have thumbs so it's forgivable. I think I might put a little more into this one later and try to cover up my fingers with some more alcohol bottles.  Alcoholic cats are hilarious. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Skullbox jr.

I actually made something new.  It's just like the other one but half the size.

I'll be more consistent about positing after the wedding.  Or I'll get lazy and change the title to "some art, occasionally". 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Busy busy busy

I don't have time for art these days.  There won't be anything new till after the wedding probably.  Oh well, here's more old stuff.

Here's some more old stuff.